Creative Branding +

This is a premium Brand building service, employing our best designers and geeks full of crazy ideas, tempered by the wisdom of our Project managers.
Based on the price of the Service Block Plus, which is currently CAD$60, this service is meant for developing conceptual ideas or the guiding framework for building or upgrading a brand.
Only our top-tier developers are included. A little bit of this service goes a long way. Later, the standard Service Block services, like Graphic Design, etc. – will do the trick, in getting these conceptual ideas implemented.

zContact Us
What it the actual goal, or purpose that you would like to accomplish with this project ?
It is optional, but letting us know your budget will make the planning of your project much more specific and realistic.
By budget, we mean: how much are you planning to spend - to have your actual goal accomplished? There are usually several steps in the process, which then affect the planning and the budgeting of each step.
You can also use this form to get a ball-park estimate from us, to see if that matches your budget, in which case you don't need to define your budget here.
Optional : Attach Files
Drop a file here or click to upload Choose File
Maximum upload size: 5MB
If you have pictures or other documents that would help us better understand your project, please upload them here

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